+1(519)5675517 info@uacc.ngo
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United Anti Corruption Canada fights corruption within Canada and the Citizen’s countries of origin.

Our vision is for a society where strong, transparent, and accountable institutions ensure that corruption is not tolerated.

Our mission is to fight corruption through an emphasis on legal systems that work and effective enforcement of the law.

How we achieve this

– We track the implementation and enforcement of Canada’s anti-corruption laws to ensure that they are deterring and preventing corruption.

– We undertake detailed, evidence-based and impact research on the implementation and enforcement of Canada’s anti-corruption laws, looking for ways in which they can be improved.

– We investigate and publicity cases of corruption where there are strong grounds for supposing that Canada’s anti-corruption laws have been broken.

– We explore the role that strategic litigation can play in improving anti-corruption enforcement outcomes.

Impact & theory of change

We are developing the work we achieved through Corruption Watch which :

  • Put the importance of compensating victims of corruption on the agenda.
  • Coordinated action to prevent the Serious Fraud Office being disbanded and to ensure it was properly resourced.
  • Ensured that crucial reform of the corporate liability laws was not taken off the government’s agenda due to resistance from the business community.
  • Helped highlight how easy it is for corrupt companies to win public contracts.
  • Pioneered work on monitoring enforcement trends including Deferred Prosecution Agreements.
  • Put global standards for transparency and accountability in the use of Deferred Prosecution Agreements on the international agenda.
  • Exposed how hard it is to get proper public scrutiny of economic crime court cases.

We believe that by holding Canada’s government to account for enforcing its anti-corruption law and scrutinizing the performance of the national enforcement bodies and the Canadian courts, we can help end impunity for corruption.

Properly funded and fully independent enforcement bodies that proactively enforce anti-corruption laws are critical to building trust in fair and accountable political systems at home and abroad and making sure that public money is spent for the public good, and not private gain.